It’s Just A Ride!
London is one of my favorite cities. I stayed there for months at a time when I was teaching at London Business School and, before the pandemic, visited at least four or five times a year.
I have not been there since 2019 and I do miss it.
I met Laurence Shorter, an ex-McKinsey consultant with a philosophical bent during one of my trips — I cannot recall how or who introduced us — and we hit it off.
We have not been in touch for a while, but I get his emails and, I presume, he gets mine. His latest one struck a chord in me.
I have included a link to it below. It is not long but will appear so to those who are all go-go-go.
And what really resonated is a 2-minute video of comedian Bill Hicks.
You can watch it here.
And indeed, we are all on a ride. One that appears fearsomely ‘real’?
Here is the complete post.